Data Structures¶
Linked List¶
LightNet uses ln_list
to manage a sequence of data structures, which is a
singlely linked list.
struct ln_list { void *data; struct ln_list *next; }; typedef struct ln_list ln_list;
doesn't have an empty header node; every node keeps real data.
It has no "create" functions. To create a new list, append an element to
list. Remember to always use the returned pointer as the newest
list pointer, because the first node may have changed during list alternation
(append, prepend, remove, insert, etc.).
ln_list *list = NULL; list = ln_list_append(list, first_data);
To traverse the list in order, use a for
loop and a temporary variable to
hold every element of the list, for example:
/* list is a ln_list of element type ln_op */ ln_list *l; ln_op *op; for (l = list; l; l = l->next) { op = l->data; /* operations on op */ }
provides a macro for the convinence of traversing the list in order.
/* list is a ln_list of element type ln_op */ ln_op *op; LN_LIST_FOREACH(op, list) { /* op now hold one element of list */ }
No list alternation shall be done when using LN_LIST_FOREACH
supports the following operations:
ln_list *ln_list_prepend(ln_list *list, void *data)
Prepend an element at the beginning of the list.
ln_list *ln_list_append(ln_list *list, void *data)
Append an element at the end of the list.
void ln_list_free(ln_list *list)
Free all nodes in the list.
void ln_list_free_deep(ln_list *list, void (*free_func)(void *))
Free all nodes int the list as well as their elements, which are freed by
. -
ln_list *ln_list_nth(ln_list *list, int n)
Return the nth node in the list.
void *ln_list_nth_data(ln_list *list, int n)
Return the nth element in the list.
ln_list *ln_list_remove(ln_list *list, void *data)
Remove the first node that has
as its element in the
is compared directly by the pointer value. -
ln_list *ln_list_remove_nth(ln_list *list, int n)
Remove the nth node.
ln_list *ln_list_remove_nth_deep(ln_list *list, int n, void (*free_func)(void *))
Remove the nth node as well as its element, which is freed by
. -
ln_list *ln_list_remove_custom(ln_list *list, void *data, ln_cmp_func cmp)
Remove the first node whose element can be compared with
returning 0. -
ln_list *ln_list_remove_custom_deep(ln_list *list, void *data, ln_cmp_func cmp, void (*free_func)(void *))
Remove the first node as well as its element which can be compared with
returning 0. The element is freed byfree_func
. -
ln_list *ln_list_remove_all_custom_deep(ln_list *list, void *data, ln_cmp_func cmp, void (*free_func)(void *))
Remove all the nodes as well as their elements which can be compared with
returning 0. The elements are freed byfree_func
. -
ln_list *ln_list_insert_before(ln_list *list, void *data, ln_list *node)
Insert an element
in the list. -
ln_list *ln_list_insert_nth(ln_list *list, void *data, int n)
Insert an element
at the nth position in the list. -
void *ln_list_find(ln_list *list, void *data)
Find an element
in the
is compared directly by its pointer value. Return the element if it's found, else returnNULL
. -
void *ln_list_find_custom(ln_list *list, void *data, ln_cmp_func cmp)
Find an element in the list, which can be compared with
and considered equal bycmp
returning 0. Return the element if it's found, else returnNULL
. -
ln_list *ln_list_find_all_custom(ln_list *list, void *data, ln_cmp_func cmp)
Find all elements that can be compared with
returning 0. Return them in a new list. -
int ln_list_position(ln_list *list, ln_list *node)
Return the position index of
in the list. -
int ln_list_index(ln_list *list, void *data)
Return the position index of the first occurence of
in the
is compared directly by its pointer value. -
int ln_list_index_custom(ln_list *list, void *data, ln_cmp_func cmp)
Return the position index of the first node whose element can be compared with
returning 0. -
int ln_list_length(ln_list *list)
Return the length of the list.
ln_list *ln_list_reverse(ln_list *list)
Reverse the nodes in the list.
ln_list *ln_list_from_array_size_t(size_t *array, size_t n)
Create the list from an array with length
, whose elements are of typesize_t
. The elements if the list have the same pointer values as the array's elements' values. -
ln_list *ln_list_copy(ln_list *list)
Create a new list, whose elements' values are the same as
's elements' values.
is a simple first-in first-out (FIFO) linked list, using two list nodes
for its head and tail.
struct ln_queue { ln_list *head; ln_list *tail; size_t size; }; typedef struct ln_queue ln_queue;
supports the following operations:
ln_queue *ln_queue_create(void)
Create an empty queue.
void ln_queue_free(ln_queue *queue)
Free the queue.
ln_queue *ln_queue_enqueue(ln_queue *queue, void *data)
Add an element to the head of the queue. Create a new queue if
queue == NULL
. -
void *ln_queue_dequeue(ln_queue *queue)
Remove and return the element at the tail of the queue.
is a simple first-in last-out (FILO) linked list, using a list node for
its top.
struct ln_stack { ln_list *top; size_t size; }; typedef struct ln_stack ln_stack;
supports the following oeprations:
ln_stack *ln_stack_create(void)
Create an empty stack.
void ln_stack_free(ln_stack *stack)
Free the stack.
ln_stack *ln_stack_push(ln_stack *stack, void *data)
Push an element to the top of the stack.
void *ln_stack_pop(ln_stack *stack)
Pop the top element out of the stack.
Hash Table¶
LightNet uses ln_hash
to construct key-value pairs that can be used for quick
lookups. ln_hash
is an opaque structure in other modules. It uses separate
chaining method to store the key-value pairs, and its implementation references
the HashMap in OpenJDK 7.
supports the following operations:
ln_hash *ln_hash_create_full(ln_hash_func hash_func, ln_cmp_func cmp_func, ln_free_func free_k_func, ln_free_func free_v_func, int init_capacity, float load_factor)
Create a hash table with full arguments.
is the hash function of the key's data type.cmp_func
is the comparison function of the key's data type.free_k_func
is the free function of the key's data type. If it'sNULL
will not free the key when it is removed.free_v_func
is the free function of the value's data type. If it'sNULL
will not free the value when it is removed.init_capacity
is the initial capacity of the table.load_factor
is the load factor of the table. When the ratio of the number of elements to the capacity exceeds this factor, the table will expand its capacity. -
ln_hash *ln_hash_create(ln_hash_func hash_func, ln_cmp_func cmp_func, ln_free_func free_k_func, ln_free_func free_v_func)
Create a hash table with some default arguments.
is the hash function of the key's data type.cmp_func
is the comparison function of the key's data type.free_k_func
is the free function of the key's data type. If it'sNULL
will not free the key when it is removed.free_v_func
is the free function of the value's data type. If it'sNULL
will not free the value when it is removed. -
void ln_hash_free(ln_hash *hash)
Free a hash table. Also free the keys and/or values if either of the free functions is provided when creating this table.
void ln_hash_init(ln_hash *hash, ln_hash_init_entry *init_array)
Initialize an empty hash table with the key-value pairs in
. The elements ofinit_array
are defined as:struct ln_hash_init_entry { void *key; void *value; }; typedef struct ln_hash_init_entry ln_hash_init_entry;
This array should be ended with a
entry. -
int ln_hash_insert(ln_hash *hash, const void *key, void *value)
Insert a key-value pair to the hash table. Return 0 if the key already exists and the old value will be replaced by
(it will be freed if its free function is provided when creating the table), else return 1. -
void *ln_hash_find(const ln_hash *hash, const void *key)
Find a value in the hash table with
. If it is found, return the value, else returnNULL
. In case of existing legalNULL
values, useln_hash_find_extended
. -
int ln_hash_find_extended(const ln_hash *hash, const void *key, void **found_key, void **found_value)
Find a value in the hash table with
. If it is found, return 1, else return 0. The found key and value will be stored infound_key
respectively. If either offound_key
, the found key or value will be ignored. -
int ln_hash_remove(ln_hash *hash, const void *key)
Remove a key-value pair in the hash table. The key and/or value will also be freed if either of the free functions is provided when creating the table.
int ln_hash_size(ln_hash *hash)
Return the number of key-value pairs in the hash table.
LightNet use ln_graph
to represent computing graphs. ln_graph
uses ajiacency
list method to implement directed graphs, which uses a linked list to store the
graph nodes; every node has its in-degree, out-degree, a list of its previous
edges and nodes, and a list of its next edges and nodes.
struct ln_graph_node { void *data; ln_list *out_edge_nodes; /* data type is ln_graph_edge_node */ ln_list *in_edge_nodes; ln_cmp_func node_data_cmp; size_t indegree; size_t outdegree; }; typedef struct ln_graph_node ln_graph_node; struct ln_graph_edge_node { /* store the ajiacency edge and node */ void *edge_data; ln_graph_node *node; ln_cmp_func edge_data_cmp; }; typedef struct ln_graph_edge_node ln_graph_edge_node; struct ln_graph { size_t size; ln_list *nodes; /* data type is ln_graph_node */ ln_cmp_func node_data_cmp; ln_cmp_func edge_data_cmp; }; typedef struct ln_graph ln_graph;
supports the following operations:
ln_graph_node *ln_graph_node_create(void *data, ln_cmp_func node_data_cmp)
Create a graph node with node data and the comparison function of node data.
void ln_graph_node_free(ln_graph_node *node)
Free a graph node.
ln_graph_edge_node *ln_graph_edge_node_create(void *edge_data, ln_graph_node *node, ln_cmp_func edge_data_cmp)
Create a graph edge node with edge data, the graph node, and the comparison function of edge data.
void ln_graph_edge_node_free(ln_graph_edge_node *edge_node)
Free a graph edge node.
ln_graph *ln_graph_create(ln_cmp_func node_cmp, ln_cmp_func edge_cmp)
Create an empty graph with the comparison functions of node data and edge data.
void ln_graph_free(ln_graph *graph)
Free a graph.
ln_graph_node *ln_graph_add(ln_graph *graph, void *data)
Create and add a node to the graph with
as node data. Return the created node. -
ln_graph_node *ln_graph_find(ln_graph *graph, void *data)
Find the first graph node that has the same data as
. Return the found node if the node is found, else returnNULL
. -
void ln_graph_link(ln_graph *graph, void *data1, void *data2, void *edge_data)
Link the first node that has the same data as
to the first node that has the same data asdata2
, with a newly created edge ofedge_data
. -
void ln_graph_link_node(ln_graph *graph, ln_graph_node *node1, ln_graph_node *node2, void *edge_data)
with a newly created edge ofedge_data
. -
void *ln_graph_unlink(ln_graph *graph, void *data1, void *data2, void *edge_data)
Unlink the first node that has the same data as
and the first node that has the same data asdata2
, with a edge ofedge_data
. Ifedge_data == NULL
, only comparedata1
. -
void *ln_graph_unlink_node(ln_graph_node *node1, ln_graph_node *node2, void *edge_data)
with a edge ofedge_data
. Ifedge_data == NULL
, only comparedata1
. -
ln_graph *ln_graph_copy(ln_graph *graph)
Copy a graph.
int ln_graph_num_outlier(ln_graph *graph)
Return the number of nodes that don't link with any other nodes.
int ln_graph_topsort(ln_graph *graph, ln_list **layers)
Run topological sort on the graph. Sorted nodes are returned in
, which is a pointer to a list of layers. All nodes in the same layer has the topological order. Return -1 if the graph has a cycle, else return the number of layers. -
void ln_graph_free_topsortlist(ln_list *layers)
Free the layers return by
. -
void ln_graph_fprint(FILE *fp, ln_graph *graph, ln_fprint_func print_node, ln_fprint_func print_edge)
Print the graph to stream
. Graph node data are printed byprint_node
. Graph edge data are printed byprint_edge
Memory Model¶
Every computing device in heterogeneous platforms may have its own type of
memory. LightNet uses an enumeration type ln_mem_type
to describe them.
Every ln_mem_type
should have an instance of ln_mem_info
in ln_mem.c
enum ln_mem_type { LN_MEM_NONE = 0, LN_MEM_CPU, #ifdef LN_CUDA LN_MEM_CUDA, #endif /* ... may be other mem types here */ LN_MEM_TYPE_SIZE }; typedef enum ln_mem_type ln_mem_type; struct ln_mem_info { const char *name; void *(*alloc_func)(size_t n); void (*free_func)(void *p); void *(*memset_func)(void *s, int c, size_t n); size_t max_size; size_t align_size; }; typedef struct ln_mem_info ln_mem_info;
Every ln_mem_type
has its own information, in which alloc_func
, memset_func
are its memory operations, as malloc
, free
in the standard C library. max_size
is the maximum bytes the memory
type can store. align_size
is the alignment bytes the memory type requires.
supports the following operations:
const char *ln_mem_type_name(ln_mem_type mtype)
Return the name of
. -
const ln_mem_info ln_mem_type_info(ln_mem_type mtype)
Return the
. -
ln_copy_func ln_mem_type_copy_func(ln_mem_type dst_mtype, ln_mem_type src_mtype)
Return the copy function from
, asmemcpy
in the standard C library.
Besides, LightNet uses virtual memory pools to make overall arrangements for
the memory allocations and releases of all kinds of memory types.
This step pre-plans the memory offsets of tensors, which can be converted to
real memory addresses in run time.
is the virtual memory pool structure.
supports the following operations:
ln_mem_pool *ln_mem_pool_create(size_t size, size_t align_size)
Create a virtual memory pool.
void ln_mem_pool_free(ln_mem_pool *mem_pool)
Free a virtual memory pool.
size_t ln_mem_pool_alloc(ln_mem_pool *mem_pool, size_t size)
Return the allocated memory offset (starting from 0) from the memory pool.
void ln_mem_pool_dealloc(ln_mem_pool *mem_pool, size_t addr)
Deallocate a memory offset.
int ln_mem_pool_exist(ln_mem_pool *mem_pool, size_t addr)
Test if a memory offset is allocated before.
void ln_mem_pool_dump(ln_mem_pool *mem_pool, FILE *fp)
Dump the memory layout of the memory pool.
ln_hash *ln_mem_pool_table_create(void)
Create a hash table of all memory pools. The table takes
as keys andln_mem_pool
as values. -
void ln_mem_pool_table_free(ln_hash *mpt)
Free the memory pool hash table returned by
LightNet uses ln_tensor
as the basic data storage structure.
is used as operator's input and output, such as a
convolution's input image, output feature map, and weights.
further uses TensorLight
as its basic tensor operation library, which is seperated from LightNet on
purpose so that it can be used widely beyond LightNet.
TensorLight implements many universal tensor operations. There are some simple operations such as slice, transpose, concatation, relu, as well as some complicated operations such as bounding boxes' coordinate transformation, YOLO's object detection. Developers are welcomed to add their own useful operations to TensorLight, which can be used not only in LightNet, but also in other projects.
In both projects, a tensor refers to a tl_tensor
structure, which has the
tensor's meta infomation and its data pointer.
struct tl_tensor { tl_dtype dtype; /* data type */ int len; /* number of elements */ int ndim; /* number of dimensions */ int *dims; /* array of dimensions */ void *data; /* data pointer */ struct tl_tensor *owner; /* data owner, NULL if it's itself */ void *backend_data; /* for other backend dependent data */ }; typedef struct tl_tensor tl_tensor;
A tensor's data type is represented by a enumeration type tl_dtype
. It
supports many common data types such as double, float, 32/16/8 bit
signed/unsigned integers, and bool.
enum tl_dtype { TL_DTYPE_INVALID = -1, TL_DOUBLE = 0, TL_FLOAT, TL_INT32, TL_INT16, TL_INT8, TL_UINT32, TL_UINT16, TL_UINT8, TL_BOOL, TL_DTYPE_SIZE }; typedef enum tl_dtype tl_dtype;
supports many tensor operations, see TensorLight for more details.
In LightNet, all tensors in a NN model are managed by a tensor table. The tensor
table is a hash table, with tensors' name
s as its keys and tensor table entries
as its values. The tensor table entry structure is defined as follows.
/* NOTE: ALWAYS access tensor entry via its name in tensor table, since the entry may be not the same during passes. It is owned by the tensor table. */ struct ln_tensor_entry { char *name; /* tensor name */ tl_tensor *tensor; /* pointer to the underlying tl_tensor */ char *owner; /* owner tensor's name of the tensor's data */ char *creater; /* operator name who creates the tensor */ size_t offset; /* offset address of the tensor's data */ int isstatic; /* the tensor is static or not */ ln_mem_type mtype; /* memory type */ }; typedef struct ln_tensor_entry ln_tensor_entry;
Every tensor must be created by an operator, and creater
records that
operator's name. Considering the computing efficiency, some tensors may share
the same underlying data pointer, in which case owner
records the name of the
tensor who actually owns the data. offset
is the relative address assigned to
the tensor in memory planning process, and it is initially 0, which is invalid
at run time. Some tensors' memory may not be freed after allocation, in which
case isstatic
should be labeled as 1 to indicate that it's static. Finally,
is the memory type of the tensor's data.
supports the following operations:
ln_tensor_entry *ln_tensor_entry_create(const char *name, tl_tensor *tensor)
Create a tensor entry with
and the underlyingtensor
. -
void ln_tensor_entry_free(ln_tensor_entry *entry)
Free a tensor entry.
void ln_tensor_entry_free_tensor_too(ln_tensor_entry *entry)
Free the tensor entry as well as the underlying
, but not free the raw data pointertensor->data
. -
void ln_tensor_entry_set_owner(ln_tensor_entry *entry, ln_hash *tensor_table, char *owner)
Set the owner tensor name to
with which the tensor entry shares its data. -
void ln_tensor_entry_set_creater(ln_tensor_entry *entry, const char *creater)
Set the name of the creater operator of this tensor entry to
The tensor table supports the following operations:
ln_hash *ln_tensor_table_create(void)
Create a tensor table.
int ln_tensor_table_insert(ln_hash *table, ln_tensor_entry *entry)
Insert a new tensor entry to the tensor table. The behaviour is consistent with
. -
int ln_tensor_table_remove(ln_hash *table, const char *name)
Remove a tensor entry
from the tensor table. -
ln_tensor_entry *ln_tensor_table_find(ln_hash *table, const char *name)
Find a tensor entry
in the tensor table. -
void ln_tensor_table_free(ln_hash *table);
Free the tensor table as well as all its tensor entries.
void ln_tensor_table_set_data(ln_hash *table, const char *name, const void *data)
to the underlying memory region of tensor entryname
. -
void *ln_tensor_table_get_data(ln_hash *table, const char *name, void *data)
Copy the underlying memory region of tensor entry
. -
size_t ln_tensor_table_data_size(ln_hash *table, const char *name)
Get the data size of the tensor entry
in bytes. -
void ln_tensor_table_load_trt_weight_file(ln_hash *table, const char *file)
Copy the weights from
to the tensor entries accordingly.file
should follow the weight format of TensorRT, which can be showned withtools/ -h
When removing a tensor or inserting a different tensor with the same name
as another tensor, the tensor table will free the old table entry and its
field, but not free tensor->data
. So we should always insert tensors
with NULL
Besides tensor table entry, this mudule also defines a tensor list entry
structure ln_tensor_list_entry
struct ln_tensor_list_entry { char *name; char *arg_name; size_t offset; }; typedef struct ln_tensor_list_entry ln_tensor_list_entry;
is used in an operator's input/output tensor list. name
and offset
are the same as those in the tensor's table entry. name
is used
to find the tensor table entry from the tensor table. offset
is used to store
the memory-planned address in the optimized output operator stream. arg_name
is the argument name of the tensor in the operator, such as "stride" in an
"conv2d" operator.
and tensor list supports the following operations:
ln_tensor_list_entry *ln_tensor_list_entry_create(const char *arg_name, const char *name)
Create a tensor list entry.
void ln_tensor_list_entry_free(ln_tensor_list_entry *entry)
Free a tensor list entry.
ln_list *ln_tensor_list_append(ln_list *list, const char *arg_name, const char *name)
Append to a tensor list with an entry that has arg_name
and name
void ln_tensor_list_free(ln_list *list)
Free a tensor list as well as its entries.
ln_list *ln_tensor_list_copy(ln_list *list)
Copy a tensor list. Entries are newly created for the new list.
char *ln_tensor_list_find_name(ln_list *list, const char *arg_name)
Return the tensor list entry's name that has
from the tensor list. -
ln_tensor_list_entry *ln_tensor_list_find_by_arg_name(ln_list *list, const char *arg_name)
Find the tensor list entry that has
from the tensor list. -
ln_tensor_list_entry *ln_tensor_list_find_by_name(ln_list *list, const char *name)
Find the tensor list entry that has
from the tensor list. -
ln_tensor_entry *ln_tensor_list_find_entry(ln_list *list, ln_hash *tensor_table, const char *arg_name)
Find the tensor entry from
that has the same name with the tensor list entry fromlist
that hasarg_name
as its arg name. -
int ln_tensor_list_length(ln_list *list)
Return the tensor list length.
int ln_tensor_list_unique_arg_name(ln_list *list, char *buf, const char *prefix)
Create an arg name that is unique in the tensor list. The arg name is prefixed with
and subfixed with a serial number, so that unique names will be created for a same prefix. The arg name' length should be less thanLN_MAX_NAME_LEN
. If its length exceeds that limit, an internal error will be emited and the program will abort. The arg name will be printed inbuf
. The return value is the subfixed number.
Like ln_tensor_list_entry
, LightNet also uses ln_param_entry
to represent
parameters used in an operator's parameter list. Different from ln_tensor
is often used as the configuration for the operator, but
not the input or output of the operator in the semantic meaning, such as the
stride, padding or dilation configuration for a convolution operator.
enum ln_param_type { /* NULL should always be the first type */ LN_PARAM_NULL = 0, LN_PARAM_STRING, LN_PARAM_NUMBER, LN_PARAM_BOOL, LN_PARAM_ARRAY_STRING, LN_PARAM_ARRAY_NUMBER, LN_PARAM_ARRAY_BOOL, LN_PARAM_INVALID /* INVALID should always be the last type */ }; typedef enum ln_param_type ln_param_type; struct ln_param_entry { char *arg_name; /* argument name in tensor list */ ln_param_type type; /* parameter type */ int array_len; /* array length if it's an array */ double value_double; /* double value, as belows... */ float value_float; int value_int; ln_bool value_bool; char *value_string; char **value_array_string; double *value_array_double; float *value_array_float; int *value_array_int; ln_bool *value_array_bool; }; typedef struct ln_param_entry ln_param_entry;
The enum type ln_param_type
represents the param value's data type.
There are three special case here:
- If the param type is
, the param entry'svalue_...
fields are ignored and the param value is treated asnull
, which could represent some special uncommon values. - If the param type is
, the param entry'svalue_double
are set in the same time when setting the param's value withln_param_set_satu_...
functions, and when the number is beyond the data type's representable region, the maximum or minimum value will be set as the data type's value. - If the param type is
, the param entry'svalue_array_double
are set in the same time when setting the param's value withln_param_set_satu_...
functions, and when an array's element is beyond the data type's representable region, the maximum or minimum value will be set as the number array's element.
supports the following operations:
ln_param_entry *ln_param_entry_create(const char *arg_name, ln_param_type type)
Create a param entry.
void ln_param_entry_free(ln_param_entry *entry)
Free a param entry.
const char *ln_param_type_name(ln_param_type type)
Return the param type's string representation.
ln_param_entry *ln_param_entry_copy(const ln_param_entry *pe)
Copy the param entry.
void ln_param_vset(ln_param_entry *entry, va_list ap)
Used to write param setting functions with variable-length parameters.
void ln_param_set(ln_param_entry *entry, ...)
Set the param entry's value. The argument after
will be interpreted as the appropriate data type according toentry->type
, and set as the entry value. -
void ln_param_set_null(ln_param_entry *entry)
Set the param entry's type as
. -
void ln_param_set_bool(ln_param_entry *entry, ln_bool bool_value)
Set the param entry's bool value.
void ln_param_set_string(ln_param_entry *entry, const char *string)
Set the param entry's string value.
void ln_param_set_satu_number(ln_param_entry *entry, double number)
Set the param entry's number value. The entry's
fields are set in the same time.value_float
are set in a saturation manner. -
void ln_param_set_satu_array_number(ln_param_entry *entry, int array_len, const double *array_number)
Set the param entry's number array value. The entry's
fields are set in the same time.value_array_float
are set in a saturation manner. -
void ln_param_set_satu_array_double(ln_param_entry *entry, int array_len, const double *array_number)
Set the param entry's number array value. The entry's
fields are set in the same time.value_array_float
are set in a saturation manner. -
void ln_param_set_satu_array_float(ln_param_entry *entry, int array_len, const float *array_number)
Set the param entry's number array value. The entry's
fields are set in the same time.value_array_int
is set in a saturation manner. -
void ln_param_set_satu_array_int(ln_param_entry *entry, int array_len, const int *array_number)
Set the param entry's number array value. The entry's
fields are set in the same time. -
void ln_param_set_array_string(ln_param_entry *entry, int array_len, const char **array_string)
Set the param entry's string array value.
void ln_param_set_array_bool(ln_param_entry *entry, int array_len, const ln_bool *array_bool)
Set the param entry's bool array value.
The param list supports the following operations:
ln_list *ln_param_list_append_empty(ln_list *list, const char *arg_name, ln_param_type ptype)
Append an empty param entry to the param list. Entry values are initialized to zeros.
ln_list *ln_param_list_append_string(ln_list *list, const char *arg_name, const char *string)
Append a string param entry to the param list.
ln_list *ln_param_list_append_number(ln_list *list, const char *arg_name, double number)
Append a number param entry to the param list. Numbers are set in a saturation manner.
ln_list *ln_param_list_append_double(ln_list *list, const char *arg_name, double number)
Append a double param entry to the param list. Numbers are set in a saturation manner.
ln_list *ln_param_list_append_float(ln_list *list, const char *arg_name, float number)
Append a float param entry to the param list. Numbers are set in a saturation manner.
ln_list *ln_param_list_append_int(ln_list *list, const char *arg_name, int number)
Append an int param entry to the param list.
ln_list *ln_param_list_append_bool(ln_list *list, const char *arg_name, ln_bool bool_value)
Append a bool param entry to the param list.
ln_list *ln_param_list_append_null(ln_list *list, const char *arg_name)
Append a null param entry to the param list.
ln_list *ln_param_list_append_array_string(ln_list *list, const char *arg_name, int array_len, const char **array_string)
Append a string array param entry to the param list.
ln_list *ln_param_list_append_array_number(ln_list *list, const char *arg_name, int array_len, const double *array_number)
Append a number array param entry to the param list. Numbers are set in a saturation manner.
ln_list *ln_param_list_append_array_double(ln_list *list, const char *arg_name, int array_len, const double *array_number)
Append a double array param entry to the param list. Numbers are set in a saturation manner.
ln_list *ln_param_list_append_array_float(ln_list *list, const char *arg_name, int array_len, const float *array_number)
Append a float array param entry to the param list. Numbers are set in a saturation manner.
ln_list *ln_param_list_append_array_int(ln_list *list, const char *arg_name, int array_len, const int *array_int)
Append an int array param entry to the param list.
ln_list *ln_param_list_append_array_bool(ln_list *list, const char *arg_name, int array_len, const ln_bool *array_bool)
Append a bool array param entry to the param list.
void ln_param_list_free(ln_list *list)
Free a param list, as well as the array values (if array values are set).
ln_list *ln_param_list_copy(ln_list *list)
Copy a param list.
ln_param_entry *ln_param_list_find(ln_list *list, const char *arg_name)
Find a param entry with its arg name.
ln_param_entry *ln_param_list_find2(ln_list *list, const char *arg_name1, const char *arg_name2)
Find a param entry with its arg name. The arg name is assembled as
. -
int ln_param_list_length(ln_list *list)
Return the param list's length.
int ln_param_list_unique_arg_name(ln_list *list, char *buf, const char *prefix)
Create an arg name that is unique in the param list. The arg name is prefixed with
and subfixed with a serial number, so that unique names will be created for a same prefix. The arg name' length should be less thanLN_MAX_NAME_LEN
. If its length exceeds that limit, an internal error will be emited and the program will abort. The arg name will be printed inbuf
. The return value is the subfixed number.
LightNet use ln_op
to represent an operator, which receives some input tensors
and compute the output tensors according to its parameters.
A ln_op
has its own life cycle, as showned below.
has 4 states in its lift cycle: init, checked, ready, end.
After created, a ln_op
is in the init state. It has to execute its pre_run()
function to check the validity of its input tensors and parameters, define
its output tensors' shape, data type and so on, register its output tensors in the
tensor table, and then enter the checked state.
For most operators, checked state is equivalent to ready state,
while there are some operators that need to execute its static_run()
first to initialize their private data.
In the ready state, an operator can execute its run()
function over and
over again to do its real computation work.
Or it can execute its post_run()
function to finalize its life cycle,
free all the private memory it allocated in its life cycle, unregister its
output tensors from the tensor table, and enter the end state, where the
LightNet context can safely remove this operator from the operator table and
the data flow graph.
has those 4 state-transfer functions in its C struct as function
pointers, which has the same prototype ln_op_func
typedef void (*ln_op_func) (ln_op_arg *op_arg); typedef size_t (*ln_op_offset_func) (ln_op_arg *op_arg, ln_tensor_entry *te); struct ln_op { ln_op_arg *op_arg; ln_op_func pre_run; ln_op_func static_run; ln_op_func run; ln_op_func post_run; ln_op_offset_func calc_offset; }; typedef struct ln_op ln_op;
Besides ln_op_func
, there is another ln_op_offset_func
used in some
operators that hace to determine their output tensors' data address offsets
according to some other tensors.
Those functions all has a ln_op_arg
as their argument, through which they can
access and manipulate the operators' input tensors (tensors_in
), output tensors
) and parameters (params
). Besides, ln_op_arg
has a priv
field reserved for the operators' private data. Operators can define
a private struct in their defination C file, stores its private data in it and
assign priv
with the private struct's pointer to pass it on and use it in
different state-transfer functions.
struct ln_op_arg { char *name; /* operator name */ char *optype; /* operator type */ char *arch; /* backend architecture to run on */ ln_list *tensors_in; /* input tensors */ ln_list *tensors_out; /* output tensors */ ln_list *params; /* parameters */ ln_hash *tensor_table; /* tensor table of the context */ void *priv; /* for other private data storage */ const char **in_arg_names; /* NULL terminated array, as belows */ const char **out_arg_names; const char **param_arg_names; const ln_param_type *param_ptypes; }; typedef struct ln_op_arg ln_op_arg;
The name
field should be a unique string among all operators in this context.
This is the unique ID of this operator. The NN model in
IL format can generate this string
automatically with the IL-to-IR generation tool il2json
The optype
field is the operator type that denotes the operation it performs,
which should be one of the operator prototypes' optype
registered in all
usable architectures, which can be accessed by
The arch
field is the architecture name this operator can run on, which should
be the same as its operator prototype's arch
Every operator should implement its own ln_op
structures, which
are resident in src/op
, and register its structures in the architecture
defination it runs on.
For example, an operator foo_cpu
that has input tensor "src", output tensor "dst",
and string parameter "param" should have the following structure defined
in some file like src/op/ln_opimpl_foo_cpu.c
static void foo_pre_run(ln_op_arg *op_arg) { /* check the input and parameter and define the output tensor shape */ } static void foo_run(ln_op_arg *op_arg) { /* do the computation */ } static void foo_post_run(ln_op_arg *op_arg) { /* do the cleanup */ } static const char *in_arg_names[] = { "src", NULL }; static const char *out_arg_names[] = { "dst", NULL }; static const char *param_arg_names[] = { "param", NULL }; static const ln_param_type param_ptypes[] = { LN_PARAM_STRING, }; static ln_op_arg op_arg_foo = { .optype = "foo_cpu", .arch = "cpu", .in_arg_names = in_arg_names, .out_arg_names = out_arg_names, .param_arg_names = param_arg_names, .param_ptypes = param_ptypes, }; /* NULL functions are equivalent to empty functions */ ln_op ln_opimpl_foo_cpu = { .op_arg = &op_arg_foo, .pre_run = foo_pre_run, .static_run = NULL, .run = foo_run, .post_run = foo_post_run, .calc_offset = NULL, };
And in src/arch/ln_archimpl_cpu.c
, the operator shoud register itself via
these code:
extern ln_op ln_opimpl_foo_cpu; ...... static ln_op *ops_cpu[] = { ... &ln_opimpl_foo_cpu, ... };
Many operators can be automatically generated and registered by
operator descriptions, which can reduce enormous coding efforts. Those generated
operator definations are resident in src/op/auto
. See section
Operator Description for more details of the description
and the associated code generation tool.
generally supports the following operations:
ln_op *ln_op_create_from_proto(const ln_op *op_proto, const char *name, ln_list *tensors_in, ln_list *tensors_out, ln_list *params, ln_hash *tensor_table)
Create an operator from a "proto" operator
. The newly created operator will have the same function pointers (pre_run
, etc) asop_proto
, but with its ownname
, and atensor_table
pointer of the context passed from the caller.op_proto
generally are found from the global hash tableLN_ARCH.op_proto_table
with its operator type as the key. -
void ln_op_free(ln_op *op)
Free an operator.
void ln_op_free_lists_too(ln_op *op)
Free an operator, as well as its
. -
ln_op *ln_op_create_with_names(const ln_op *op_proto, const ln_list *ops, ln_hash *tensor_table)
Create an operator of the same optype as
and create itstensors_in
as well, with auto-generated unique operator name and output tensor names in the scope ofops
. Input tensor names are inited with empty string (""), and parameters are inited with empty value (zeroed number orNULL
string orNULL
array). The meta information of the operator used to create those stuff is found inln_op_arg
, etc. This function is mainly used in optimization pass where LightNet will generate optimized new operators to replace old ones. -
ln_op *ln_op_create_with_opname(const ln_op *op_proto, ln_hash *tensor_table)
Create an operator of the same optype as
with auto-generated unique operator name in the scope ofops
. -
ln_op *ln_op_copy(const ln_op *op)
Copy an operator.
ln_op *ln_op_copy_to_optype(ln_hash *op_proto_table, const ln_op *op, const char *new_optype)
Copy an operator's input/output tensors and parameters to a newly created operator of a new operator type
. Generally used in the simple replacement from one optype to another in optimization pass, such as replacingconv
. -
ln_tensor_entry *ln_op_find_tensor_entry(const ln_op *op, const char *arg_name)
Find an operator's input or output tensor entry with the entry's
. -
ln_tensor_list_entry *ln_op_find_tensor_list_entry(const ln_op *op, const char *arg_name)
Find an operator's input or output tensor list entry with the entry's
The are both an operator table and an operator list existing in a LightNet context. While the former is the single spot of truth of all operators, the latter retains a linear form of the operators, which contains the execution order of the operators.
The operator list supports the following operations:
ln_list *ln_op_list_create_from_array(ln_op **op_array)
Create an operator list from an
terminated operator array. -
void ln_op_list_free(ln_list *ops)
Free an operator list.
void ln_op_list_free_lists_too(ln_list *ops)
Free an operator list, as well as the operators' tensor lists and parameter list.
ln_op *ln_op_list_find_by_optype(ln_list *ops, const char *optype)
Find the first operator from an operator list that has
as its operator type. -
ln_op *ln_op_array_find_by_optype(ln_op *ops[], const char *optype)
Find the first operator from an
terminated operator array that hasoptype
as its operator type. -
ln_op *ln_op_list_find_by_name(ln_list *ops, const char *name)
Find the first operator from an operator list that has
as its operator name. -
void ln_op_list_do_pre_run(ln_list *ops)
Execute the
functions of the operators inops
in order. -
void ln_op_list_do_static_run(ln_list *ops)
Execute the
functions of the operators inops
in order. -
void ln_op_list_do_run(ln_list *ops)
Execute the
functions of the operators inops
in order. -
void ln_op_list_do_post_run(ln_list *ops)
Execute the
functions of the operators inops
in order. -
int ln_op_list_unique_name(const ln_list *ops, char *buf, const char *prefix)
Create and print an unique operator name in the scope of
. The created name is prefixed withprefix
and subfixed with a serial number, which is the return value.
The operator table supports the following operations:
ln_hash *ln_op_table_create(void)
Create an empty operator table.
int ln_op_table_insert(ln_hash *table, ln_op *op)
Insert an operator to the table.
int ln_op_table_remove(ln_hash *table, const char *name)
Remove an operator from the table. The operator table will free the operator, its tensor lists and parameter list when removing it from the table.
ln_op *ln_op_table_find(ln_hash *table, const char *name)
Find an operator from the table with its name.
void ln_op_table_free(ln_hash *table)
Free an operator table, as well as its operators.
void ln_op_table_vset_param(ln_hash *table, const char *opname, const char *pname, va_list ap)
Set an operator's parameter in the operator table. Used in variable-length functions.
void ln_op_table_set_param(ln_hash *table, const char *opname, const char *pname, ...)
Set an operator's parameter with operator name
in the operator table and parameter argument namepname
in the parameter list. The function argument afterpname
should be a parameter value with an appropriate data type consistent with the according parameter.
There are also a bunch of macros designated for the validity checking of tensors
and parameters in pre_run
function, which can generate unified formatted message
when the check fails.
Those convinent macros should only used in a pre_run()
because of the function arguments they required.
Normally we shouldn't use those kind of error handling routines in
other state-transfer functions, where errors should be considered
as bugs.
If there is more error handling work, please write the code yourself
instead of using those macros.
ln_opck(level, condition, msg_fmt, varg...)
not satisfied, emit message defined by printf-liked argumentsmsg_fmt
, according to message levellevel
(an enum defined inln_msg.h
). -
ln_opck_satisfy_msg(condition, msg_fmt, varg...)
Emit error message if
not satisfied and exit. -
Emit error message if
not satisfied and exit. -
ln_opck_param_exist(entry, arg_name)
Check if a param entry exists.
should be returned byln_param_list_find(op_arg->params, arg_name)
. -
ln_opck_param_type(entry, param_type)
Check if a param entry's type is equal to
is an enumof ln_param_type
defined inln_param.h
should have been checked withln_opck_param_exist
The following macros check if a number param entry's value is equal to (eq
greater than (gt
), greater than or equal to (ge
), less than (lt
less than or equal to (le
), or not equal to (ne
) the number expect
should have been checked with ln_opck_param_exist
ln_opck_param_int_eq(entry, expect)
ln_opck_param_int_gt(entry, expect)
ln_opck_param_int_ge(entry, expect)
ln_opck_param_int_lt(entry, expect)
ln_opck_param_int_le(entry, expect)
ln_opck_param_int_ne(entry, expect)
ln_opck_param_float_eq(entry, expect)
ln_opck_param_float_gt(entry, expect)
ln_opck_param_float_ge(entry, expect)
ln_opck_param_float_lt(entry, expect)
ln_opck_param_float_le(entry, expect)
ln_opck_param_float_ne(entry, expect)
ln_opck_param_double_eq(entry, expect)
ln_opck_param_double_gt(entry, expect)
ln_opck_param_double_ge(entry, expect)
ln_opck_param_double_lt(entry, expect)
ln_opck_param_double_le(entry, expect)
ln_opck_param_double_ne(entry, expect)
The following macros check if an array param entry's value's length is
equal to (eq
), greater than (gt
), greater than or equal to (ge
less than (lt
), less than or equal to (le
), or not equal to (ne
the length expect_len
should have been checked with ln_opck_param_exist
ln_opck_param_array_len_eq(entry, expect_len)
ln_opck_param_array_len_gt(entry, expect_len)
ln_opck_param_array_len_ge(entry, expect_len)
ln_opck_param_array_len_lt(entry, expect_len)
ln_opck_param_array_len_le(entry, expect_len)
The following macros check if a number array param entry's values are all
equal to (eq
), greater than (gt
), greater than or equal to (ge
less than (lt
), less than or equal to (le
), or not equal to (ne
the number expect
should have been checked with ln_opck_param_exist
ln_opck_param_array_int_eq(entry, expect)
ln_opck_param_array_int_gt(entry, expect)
ln_opck_param_array_int_ge(entry, expect)
ln_opck_param_array_int_lt(entry, expect)
ln_opck_param_array_int_le(entry, expect)
ln_opck_param_array_int_ne(entry, expect)
ln_opck_param_array_float_eq(entry, expect)
ln_opck_param_array_float_gt(entry, expect)
ln_opck_param_array_float_ge(entry, expect)
ln_opck_param_array_float_lt(entry, expect)
ln_opck_param_array_float_le(entry, expect)
ln_opck_param_array_float_ne(entry, expect)
ln_opck_param_array_double_eq(entry, expect)
ln_opck_param_array_double_gt(entry, expect)
ln_opck_param_array_double_ge(entry, expect)
ln_opck_param_array_double_lt(entry, expect)
ln_opck_param_array_double_le(entry, expect)
ln_opck_param_array_double_ne(entry, expect)
The following macros check if the length of the parameter list (list_len
is equal to (eq
), greater than (gt
), greater than or equal to (ge
less than (lt
), less than or equal to (le
), or not equal to (ne
the length expect_len
should be returned by ln_param_list_length(op_arg->params)
ln_opck_params_len_eq(list_len, expect_len)
ln_opck_params_len_gt(list_len, expect_len)
ln_opck_params_len_ge(list_len, expect_len)
ln_opck_params_len_lt(list_len, expect_len)
ln_opck_params_len_le(list_len, expect_len)
ln_opck_tensor_in_exist(entry, arg_name)
Check if an input tensor list entry exists.
should be returned byln_tensor_list_find_by_arg_name(op_arg->tensors_in, arg_name)
The following macros check if the length of the input tensor list (list_len
is equal to (eq
), greater than (gt
), greater than or equal to (ge
less than (lt
), less than or equal to (le
), or not equal to (ne
the length expect_len
should be returned by ln_tensor_list_length(op_arg->tensors_in)
ln_opck_tensors_in_len_eq(list_len, expect_len)
ln_opck_tensors_in_len_gt(list_len, expect_len)
ln_opck_tensors_in_len_ge(list_len, expect_len)
ln_opck_tensors_in_len_lt(list_len, expect_len)
ln_opck_tensors_in_len_le(list_len, expect_len)
ln_opck_tensor_out_exist(entry, arg_name)
Check if an output tensor list entry exists.
should be returned byln_tensor_list_find_by_arg_name(op_arg->tensors_out, arg_name)
The following macros check if the length of the output tensor list (list_len
is equal to (eq
), greater than (gt
), greater than or equal to (ge
less than (lt
), less than or equal to (le
), or not equal to (ne
the length expect_len
should be returned by ln_tensor_list_length(op_arg->tensors_out)
ln_opck_tensors_out_len_eq(list_len, expect_len)
ln_opck_tensors_out_len_gt(list_len, expect_len)
ln_opck_tensors_out_len_ge(list_len, expect_len)
ln_opck_tensors_out_len_lt(list_len, expect_len)
ln_opck_tensors_out_len_le(list_len, expect_len)
ln_opck_tensor_not_defined(entry, entry_name)
Check if the tensor entry
has not been defined by another operator so far. "defined" means an operator has created the tensor and inserted the tensor entry in the tensor table.entry
should be returned byln_tensor_table_find(op_arg->tensor_table, entry_name)
, whereentry_name
is theln_tensor_entry
's name to be looked up. -
ln_opck_tensor_defined(entry, entry_name)
Check if the tensor entry
has been defined by another operator so far.entry
should be returned byln_tensor_table_find(op_arg->tensor_table, entry_name)
, whereentry_name
is theln_tensor_entry
's name to be looked up. -
ln_opck_tensor_ndim(entry, expect_ndim)
Check if the tensor in
has the number of dimensions equal toexpect_ndim
should have been checked withln_opck_tensor_defined
. -
ln_opck_tensor_len(entry, expect_len)
Check if the tensor in
has the number of elements equal toexpect_len
should have been checked withln_opck_tensor_defined
. -
ln_opck_tensor_issameshape(entry1, entry2)
Check if the tensor in
has the same shape with the tensor inentry2
. Bothentry1
should have been checked withln_opck_tensor_defined
. -
ln_opck_tensor_issametype(entry1, entry2)
Check if the tensor in
has the same data type with the tensor inentry2
. Bothentry1
should have been checked withln_opck_tensor_defined
. -
Check if the tensor in
is static.entry
should have been checked withln_opck_tensor_defined
. -
Check if the tensor in
is not static.entry
should have been checked withln_opck_tensor_defined
. -
ln_opck_tensor_mtype_eq(entry, mem_type)
Check if the tensor in
has the memory type equals tomem_type
should have been checked withln_opck_tensor_defined
. -
ln_opck_tensor_dtype_eq(entry, data_type)
Check if the tensor in
has the data type equals todata_type
should have been checked withln_opck_tensor_defined
Data Flow Graph¶
LightNet uses Data Flow Graph (ln_dfg
) to represent data flows among operators,
as known as computing graph.
struct ln_dfg { ln_graph *graph; ln_hash *node_table; ln_list *dangling_ins; ln_list *dangling_outs; }; typedef struct ln_dfg ln_dfg;
has a graph
as its core data structure, with operators as nodes and
tensor names as edges. Besides, it has a node_table
to manage all the graph nodes
in a hash table, keyed by operator names, a dangling_outs
list to manage all
the reaching out dangling edge nodes, and a dangling_ins
list to manage all
the reaching in dangling edge nodes.
supports the following operations:
ln_dfg *ln_dfg_create(void)
Create an empty data flow graph.
void ln_dfg_free(ln_dfg *dfg)
Free a data flow graph, as well as its
The operator pointers held by graph nodes are owned by op_table
of the
context. So freeing graph
and node_table
doesn't actually free the
underlying operators. (TODO: May be the graph nodes holding operator names is
well enough?)
void ln_dfg_link(ln_dfg *dfg, ln_op *op1, ln_op *op2, const char *tname)
Link the node holding
to the node holdingop2
, with tensor nametname
as the edge. -
void ln_dfg_unlink(ln_dfg *dfg, ln_op *op1, ln_op *op2, const char *tname)
Unlink the node holding
to the node holdingop2
, with tensor nametname
as the edge. Iftname
is not the output tensor ofop1
or not the input tensor ofop2
, this function does nothing. -
void ln_dfg_add(ln_dfg *dfg, ln_op *op)
to thedfg
. The new node automatically gets linked with its output tensors to nodes that take them as input tensors (if any), and gets linked with its input tensors from nodes that take them as output tensors (if any), and removes/adds related entries in thedfg
. -
void ln_dfg_remove(ln_dfg *dfg, ln_op *op)
to thedfg
. The node automatically gets unlinked with its output tensors to nodes that take them as input tensors (if any), and gets unlinked with its input tensors from nodes that take them as output tensors (if any), and removes/adds related entries in thedfg
. -
ln_op *ln_dfg_next(const ln_dfg *dfg, const ln_op *op, const char *tname)
(Deprecated) Return the operator that has
as its input tensor's name, which is also operatorop
's output tensor. -
ln_list *ln_dfg_nexts(const ln_dfg *dfg, const ln_op *op, const char *tname)
Return all operators that have
as their input tensor's name, which is also operatorop
's output tensor. -
ln_op *ln_dfg_prev(const ln_dfg *dfg, const ln_op *op, const char *tname)
Return the operator that has
as its output tensor's name, which is also operatorop
's input tensor. -
int ln_dfg_check(const ln_dfg *dfg)
Check the correctness of a data flow graph
. It emits an internal error if any operator's input tensor is not given by another operator. -
void ln_dfg_fprint(FILE *fp, const ln_dfg *dfg)
Print the
to file streamfp
. -
void ln_dfg_print(const ln_dfg *dfg)
Print the
to stdout.
LightNet needs a data structure to manage all the resources dedicated to the
optimization and execution for a specific neural network model, such as its
tensor table, operator table and the data flow graph. ln_context
is such a data structure.`
struct ln_context { ln_hash *tensor_table; /* the tensor table */ ln_hash *op_table; /* the operator table */ ln_dfg *dfg; /* the data flow graph */ ln_list *ops; /* the operator list */ void *mem_starts[LN_MEM_TYPE_SIZE]; /* the memory start addresses */ size_t mem_sizes[LN_MEM_TYPE_SIZE]; /* the memory sizes */ }; typedef struct ln_context ln_context;
acts the role as the single point of truth of other data
structures of a specific NN model.
It has a
to manage all the tensors used by the model. Every operator has to create and insert its output tensors in the tensor table in itspre_run
function, and remove the tensors in itspost_run
function. -
It has an
to manage all the operators used by the model. The context has to create and insert operators toop_table
, and remove them fromop_table
when initializing/finalizing the context, and when optimizing the model. -
It has a
to represent the data flow graph of the model, which is used to reserve the topological infomation used in model optimization. -
It has a
to represent a list of the operators, which is used to reserve the linear form the operators used in model optimization. -
It has a
to record the memory start addresses of all kinds of memory types (main memory, GPU memory, etc.). It is used in the execution phase of the model. -
It has a
to record the memory sizes of all kinds of memory types needed by the model. It is determined in the memory planning phase in model optimization. It is used in the execution phase as the allocation size of different memory types.
has the following operations to complete its main functions.
ln_context *ln_context_create(void)
Create a context, and zero-initialize its fields.
void ln_context_free(ln_context *ctx)
Free a context, as well as its
(as well as all its tensors),op_table
(as well as all the operators),dfg
, andops
. -
void ln_context_init(ln_context *ctx, const char *source)
Initialize a context from a model source JSON file. Create all the operators and tensors and build the data flow graph. See Intermediate Representation for details of the
's format. -
void ln_context_compile(ln_context *ctx, const char *target)
Execute speed and memory optimization on
platform, such as "cpu", "tensorrt", etc. -
void ln_context_print(const ln_context *ctx, const char *outfile)
Print the current linear form of operators in a JSON file named
. See Intermediate Representation for details of the outfile format. -
void ln_context_load(ln_context *ctx, const char *datafile)
Allocate the memory of different kinds of memory types required by the model. Load data from a
to the memory address of tensors' data. Usetools/ -h
for the format of thedatafile
. -
void ln_context_set_data(ln_context *ctx, const char *tname, const void *data)
Copy the value of tensor named
. -
void *ln_context_get_data(ln_context *ctx, const char *tname, void *data)
Copy the value of tensor named
. -
size_t ln_context_data_size(ln_context *ctx, const char *tname)
Return the size in bytes of the data of tensor named
. -
void ln_context_set_param(ln_context *ctx, const char *opname, const char *pname, ...)
Set the parameter value of parameter named
of operator namedopname
. Arguments afterpname
should conform to the data type of the parameter. -
void ln_context_run(const ln_context *ctx)
Run the
function of all operators in the order ofctx->ops
. -
void ln_context_unload(ln_context *ctx)
Free the memory allocated by
. -
void ln_context_cleanup(ln_context *ctx)
Cleanup a context. Release all the resources acquired by
Besides, ln_context
has the following operations to support the above
main functions. Some are used in ln_pass
module for optimization passes.
void ln_context_init_ops(ln_context *ctx)
Initialize the operators, insert them to the operator table, run their
s and construct the data flow graph. -
void ln_context_cleanup_ops(ln_context *ctx)
Finalize the operators, do the opposite things that
does. -
void ln_context_replace_ops(ln_context *ctx, ln_list **position, size_t len, ln_list *new_ops)
Replace the operators in
of lengthlen
. And automatically update the data flow graphctx->dfg
. -
void ln_context_remove_op(ln_context *ctx, ln_list **position)
Remove the operator at
. -
void ln_context_add_op(ln_context *ctx, ln_list **position, ln_op *new_op)
. -
void ln_context_subgraph(ln_context *ctx, ln_list *old_ops, ln_list *new_ops)
. -
int ln_context_check(const ln_context *ctx)
Check the context's validity, which should be checked after every alternation of the operators.
void ln_context_alloc_mem(ln_context *ctx)
Allocate the memory that the context's tensors use. This must be called after the memory has been planned.
void ln_context_dealloc_mem(ln_context *ctx)
Deallocate the memory allocated by
The backend information of a specific hardware or software platform is stored in the
architecture struct, ln_arch
typedef ln_list *(*ln_expander_func) (const ln_context *ctx, const ln_op *op, int *match); typedef ln_list *(*ln_combiner_func) (const ln_context *ctx, const ln_list *win_ops, size_t win_size, int *match); typedef ln_list *(*ln_subgraph_func) (const ln_context *ctx, ln_list **old_ops); typedef ln_list *(*ln_schedule_func) (const ln_context *ctx); struct ln_arch { void (*init_func)(void **priv_p); /* pointer to priv */ void (*cleanup_func)(void **priv_p); void *priv; ln_op **reg_ops; /* NULL terminated */ ln_expander_func *ep_funcs; /* NULL terminated */ ln_combiner_func *cb_funcs; /* NULL terminated */ ln_subgraph_func *sg_funcs; /* NULL terminated */ ln_schedule_func *sd_funcs; /* NULL terminated */ char *arch_name; }; typedef struct ln_arch ln_arch;
Every architecture has its own registered operators in reg_ops
which are the operators that can run on this platform and has the same
field as that arch's arch_name
also contains the optimizer functions that the platform can perform
on the operators in one context, which should be provided by the ln_arch
author. There are four kinds of optimizer functions, each of which has an array
terminated function pointers, which are applied to the context in order
when LightNet is compiling the NN model. The optimizer functions includes:
ln_list *(*ln_expander_func) (const ln_context *ctx, const ln_op *op, int *match)
Expand operator
to the operators in the returned list. The returned list may beNULL
, in which case the originalop
is removed. Ifop
cannot be expanded by this function,*match
should be assigned with 0, else it should be assigned with 1. -
ln_list *(*ln_combiner_func) (const ln_context *ctx, const ln_list *win_ops, size_t win_size, int *match)
Combine operators in list
of lengthwin_size
to another list of operators in the returned list. The returned list may beNULL
, in which case the originalwin_ops
is removed. Ifwin_ops
cannot be combined by this function,*match
should be assigned with 0, else it should be assigned with 1. -
ln_list *(*ln_subgraph_func) (const ln_context *ctx, ln_list **old_ops)
Substitute operators in
to the operators in the returned list. -
ln_list *(*ln_schedule_func) (const ln_context *ctx)
Schedule the order of operators in
An expander function can transform one operator op
to one or several other
operators in its returned operator list. An combiner function can transform
several operators to one or several other operators in its returned operator
list. Those two function may seems overlayed in functionalities, but they're
designed to implement a well-known "peephole optimizer" learned from classic
compiler techniques, that first expands individual abstract instructions
to platform-related low-level instructions, then combines adjacent low-level
instructions to fewer instructions which can fulfill complex tasks in less time.
The expander functions and combiner functions are all operations performed on the
linear form of operators. Although they can make optimization decisions according
to the information gived by data flow graph though ctx->dfg
, the optimizations
themselves must be made on operators adjacent in ctx->ops
The subgrapher function and scheduler function are experiment features that are not stable now.
Besides, there is an init_func
and cleanup_func
associated with a private
data pointer priv
in a ln_arch
structure, which are used for the
initialization and finalization of the architecture. The priv
data pointer can
be used for any data structure that the architecture may use for its private data
during its runtime.
Every architecture must define its own ln_arch
structure, which are resident
in src/arch
, and register itself in src/ln_arch.c
Some optimizer functions can be automatically generated by
optimizer descriptions. Those generated optimizer functions are resident in
. See Optimizer Description
for more details.
LightNet's architectures have a global access point LN_ARCH
of type struct ln_arch_info
struct ln_arch_info { ln_hash *arch_table; ln_hash *op_proto_table; }; typedef struct ln_arch_info ln_arch_info; extern ln_arch_info ln_global_arch_info; #define LN_ARCH ln_global_arch_info
is a hash table that has all registered architectures
in it. It has registered ln_arch
pointers as its values and their arch_name
as it keys. Besides, LN_ARCH.op_proto_table
is another hash table that has
all operators from all architectures in it, that has the registered operator
pointers as its values and their optypes
s as its keys.
Thus, developers can look up the registered architectures and operators from
very convinently.