
An Easy-to-Write JSON Format

For the convenience of writing JSON format files such as operator descriptions used in this project, we add several extensions to the official JSON format.

The JSON extensions:

  1. The last elements in arrays and objects can have a trailing comma ,.
  2. Comments are supported; every thing from double slashs // to the end of the line is a comment.
  3. String values can be heredoc-ed with two triple qoutes ''', each in a seperated line, between which special characters can be auto-escaped, such as newlines, qoutes", etc. The triple qoutes must be at the end of a line except that the ending qoutes can have a comma following them.


    "some_array": [
        {"element1": 1},
        {"element2": 2},
    // some very useful comments
    "some_string": '''
    No worries about "strings" and
newlines here!

JSON files using above extensions can be easily transformed into official JSON files with lightnet/tools/easyjson.pl. For example, the above code would be transformed into the following JSON:

    "some_array": [
        {"element1": 1},
        {"element2": 2}

    "some_string": "    No worries about \"strings\" and\nnewlines here!"

Data File Format


Executables, scripts and modules helping the development and use of LightNet, located in lightnet/tools. You can always get help for a tool by typing tool_name -h.

  • addop.pl

    Generate operator defination code from operator description JSON file. It supports the easy-to-write JSON format for its input. When used with -r ROOT option, it will save operator definations in ROOT/src/op/auto, and add operator declarations into corresponding ROOT/src/arch/ln_arch_*.c file.

  • addtest.pl

    Generate test templates for a module.

  • easyjson.pl

    A user interface for easyjson.pm.

  • easyjson.pm

    A perl module with interfaces for transforming an easy-to-write JSON format file to an official JSON format file.

  • genwts.pl

    A weight file generator. Convert the input text file containing weight numbers to one text file in hexadecimal string format.

  • il2json

    Generate JSON-format IR code from input file which is in simplified IR format.