Project Structure

Directory Layout

  • lightnet/docs

    Documentation files written in Markdown, which can be transformed into static web pages using mkdocs.

  • lightnet/protos

    Prototype and description files:

    • lightnet/protos/experiment

      Experimental prototypes used during development.

    • lightnet/protos/net

      Network model files in IR format.

    • lightnet/protos/op

      Operator description files for generating operator defination C source code.

  • lightnet/src

    Core LightNet source code.

    • lightnet/src/arch

      Source code for the definations of different software/hardware backends. lightnet/tools/ can automatically add operator declarations to the corresponding ln_arch_*.c files in this directory while generating operator defination code.

    • lightnet/src/op

      Source code for the operator definations. lightnet/src/op/auto contains auto-generated operator defination code generated by lightnet/tools/

  • lightnet/test

    Feature and regression tests on LightNet infrastructure. Test templates can be generated with lightnet/tools/

  • lightnet/tools

    Executables and modules helping the development and use of LightNet. You can always get help for a tool by typing tool_name -h. See details in Tools.

  • lightnet/

    Some common makefile code included by other makefiles.

  • lightnet/

    Configuration variables generated by lightnet/configure.

  • lightnet/configure

    Configuration script. Generate configuration variables in and check dependencies. Must be called before make.

  • lightnet/Makefile

    Main makefile.

  • lightnet/mkdocs.yml

    Configurations used by mkdocs for building documentation.